46th All Japan Championship

2013/11/05 12:07  4636  











2013 All Japan Championship
Takashi Namie
Japan Professional Pocket-Billiard Association
10-21 Hiranokamiyanagi-cho, Kita-ku,Kyoto, Japan 603-8355
Tel. +81-75-463-3777 Fax +81-75-461-8706
Men’s event * 2013 WPA ranking event
Qualifying round(1st stage); 2013 Nov 19 – 20
It was only 1 day in 2012 event. This year is 2 days!
Main event (2nd stage); 2013 Nov 21 – 24
* It was 5 days in 2012 event. This year only 4 days!
Venue: “Archaic hall OCT”
2-7-16, Syowa-dori, Amagasaki-city, Hyogo, Japan, 660-0881
WPA 10-ball
Qualifying round; Double elimination, race to 9
Main event;
* Groupe round; 128 players, Double elimination , race to 9
* Final round; 64 players, Single elimination, race to 11
Prize money:
Total; $63,160
Winner; $18,000
Runner-up; $9,000
3rd finish; $4,500 x 2
5th finish; $2,250 x 4
9th finish; $1,130 x 8
17th finish; $570 x 16
* The exchange rates is on July 19
* The 20% tax is imposed on the prize money for Foreign players.
2013 All Japan Championship
Takashi Namie
Japan Professional Pocket-Billiard Association
10-21 Hiranokamiyanagi-cho, Kita-ku,Kyoto, Japan 603-8355
Tel. +81-75-463-3777 Fax +81-75-461-8706
Entry dead line for foreign players: 2013 Oct 15
* Top 32 players on latest WPA ranking( on 2013 Jul 31) will be seeded at Main event.
Entry fee:
Player starting from the 1st stage ; $200 (¥20,000)
Player qualified to the 2nd stage ; Additional $200 (¥20,000)
Player starting from the 2nd stage ; $400(¥40,000)
Dress code:
Please wear a white shirt, a tie, a vest, and leather black shoes
Contact address: alljapan@jpba.ne.jp
2013 All Japan Championship
Takashi Namie
Japan Professional Pocket-Billiard Association
10-21 Hiranokamiyanagi-cho, Kita-ku,Kyoto, Japan 603-8355
Tel. +81-75-463-3777 Fax +81-75-461-8706
Women’s event * NON 2013 WPA ranking event
2013 Nov 21 – 24
Venue: “Archaic hall OCT”
2-7-16, Syowa-dori, Amagasaki-city, Hyogo, Japan, 660-0881
WPA 9-ball,
Groupe round ; 64 players, Double elimination , race to 7
Final round ; 32 players, Single elimination, race to 9
Prize money:
Total; $15,080
Winner; $5,000
Runner-up; $2,500
3rd finish; $1,250 x 2
5th finish; $630 x 4
9th finish; $320 x 8
* The exchange rates is on July 19
* The 20% tax is imposed on the prize money for Foreign players.
Entry dead line for foreign players: 2013 Oct 15
Entry fee: $200 (¥20,000)
Contact address: alljapan@jpba.ne.jp

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