






(翻譯: by Jack Lin)
﹝英文版編輯註解: 所使用的陽性性別為簡化文句之用並無具體指名選手或官員性別之意圖﹞

These regulations address dress requirements, protests, scheduling issues, and other items that are not part of the actual Rules of Play but need to be regulated for the individual event. Some aspects of applying the regulations vary from tournament to tournament, such as the number of sets in a match and who breaks after the first rack at nine ball. The management of an event is entitled to enforce regulations for the event. These Regulations do not have the same force as the Rules; the Rules have priority.


The actual Rules of Play may not be altered unless a specific waiver is issued by the WPA Sports Director or other WPA official for the individual event. A written explanation of any rules change should be made available at the players’ meeting.



Each player’s attire must always meet the level of the competition and be clean, proper and in good condition. If an athlete is unsure about the legality of his attire, the athlete should approach the tournament director before the match and ask whether the attire is legal. The tournament director has the final say with regards to the legality of attire. In exceptional circumstances, the director may permit a player to compete in violation of the dress code e.g. when airline luggage has been misplaced. A player may be disqualified for dress code violation.
If there is no announcement before the event, the WPA dress code is assumed. The following are the current requirements for World Championship and World Tour events.
3.1 MEN
Men may wear either a long sleeve shirt and button-down vest or a regular collared shirt or polo shirt of any color. Shirt or polo shirt must be tucked in. It must be in a good condition and clean. No T-shirts are allowed. The shirt must have at least a short sleeve.
Dress pants will be clean and in good condition and may be of any color. Denim/blue jeans of any color are forbidden even though a jeans design is allowed.
Shoes must be elegant dress shoes that fit in the outfit. Sneakers and sandals are not allowed. Sports shoes with a dark top of leather or leather-like material are allowed but are subject to the tournament director’s discretion.
Women may wear a shirt, an elegant top, a dress, a blouse or a polo shirt which is covering the shoulders. T-shirts are not permitted.
Dress pants will be clean and in good condition and may be of any color. Denim/blue jeans of any color are forbidden even though a jeans design is allowed. Female athletes may wear a skirt which must cover the knees.
Shoes must be elegant dress shoes that fit in the outfit. Sneakers and sandals are not allowed. Sports shoes with a dark top of leather or leather-like material are allowed but are subject to the tournament director’s discretion.

排球紙可以用在8號球, 9號球與10號球等項目,14/1之比賽不允許使用排球紙。
4. Ball Rack Template
The Ball Rack Template can be used for the disciplines: 8-ball, 9-ball and 10-ball. In 14/1 it ́s not allowed to use the Ball Rack Template.
球台必需在比賽開始前將記號繪製完成。 一條垂直直線必需繪製以確定排球紙的位置,這一條直線之長度必需足夠貫穿排球紙頂端與下端的洞口。
4.1 Positioning of the Ball Rack Template
The table must be marked before the tournament has started. A Vertical line must be drawn for the positioning of the Ball Rack Template. This line must be long enough to pass through the top and bottom holes on the Ball Rack Template.

4.2 Removing of the Ball Rack Template
After the break, the Ball Rack Template must be removed by the referee from the table as soon as possible without disturbing any of the balls. If a referee is not present and there are balls obstructing the removal of the Ball Rack Template, the opponent must be the one to remove the Ball Rack Template. If there are no obstructions, the player at the table may remove the Ball Rack Template without the opponent interfering.
With or without a referee present, the Ball Rack Template can only be removed if not more than 2 balls are an obstruction in its removal. Exception to this rule applies if 1 or more balls are frozen and obstructing the removal, in this case the Ball Rack Template stays in place until such time that the frozen balls are no longer an obstacle in the removal of the Ball Rack Template.
With the removal of the Ball Rack Template, the referee or opponent may use markers in the form of ball markers or chalk blocks which are at their disposal to mark the obstructing balls. The Ball Rack Template must be placed in its required spot away from the playing area including the rails and the balls placed back into their original position.


4.3 Specification for Ball Rack Template
Ball Rack template should be made of a plastic material, no thicker than 0.14 mm and shouldn’t affect the table in any way. Template may not be glued on the playing surface.

5. Playing with an “Area” Referee
It may be that a tournament is being played with “area” referees who are each responsible for several tables and there is no referee constantly at each table. In this case, the players are still expected to observe all the rules of the game. The recommended way to conduct play in this situation is as follows.
The non-shooting player will perform all of the duties of the referee. If, prior to a particular shot, the shooting player feels that his opponent will not be able to properly judge the shot, he should ask the area referee to watch the shot. The non-shooting player may also ask for such attention if he feels that he is unable or is unwilling to rule on the shot. Either player has the power to suspend play until he is satisfied with the way the match is being refereed.
If a dispute arises between two players in an unrefereed match, and the area referee is asked to make a decision without having seen the cause of the dispute, he should be careful to understand the situation as completely as possible. This might include asking trusted witnesses, reviewing video tapes, or reenacting the shot. If the area referee is asked to determine whether a foul occurred and there is no evidence of the foul except the claim of one player while the other player claims that there was no foul, then it is assumed that no foul occurred.

6. Penalizing Unsportsmanlike Conduct
The rules and regulations give the referee and other officials considerable latitude in penalizing unsportsmanlike conduct. Several factors should be considered in such decisions, including previous conduct, previous warnings, how serious the offense is, and information that the players may have been given at the Players’ Meeting at the start of the tournament. In addition, the level of competition may be considered since players at the top levels can be expected to be fully familiar with the rules and regulations, while relative beginners may be unfamiliar with how the rules are normally applied.

7. Protest Ruling
If a player needs a decision to be taken, the first person to be contacted is the referee. The referee will form his decision by all means that seem suitable to him. If the player wants to protest against that ruling, he may contact the head referee and after that the tournament director. In any regular tournament, the tournament director’s decision is binding and final. In the WPA World Championships, there may be a further appeal to the WPA Sports Director, if he is present. A deposit of $100 from the protestor is required for such an appeal and it will be forfeited in case of an adverse final decision.
A player is allowed to ask for a reconsideration of a factual decision by the referee only one time. If he asks for reconsideration of the same matter a second time, it will be treated as unsportsmanlike conduct.

裁判員的職責為針對與規則相關的事項做出判決、維護比賽的公平性、判定犯規,並按照規則採取其他行動。當比賽不能公平地進行時,裁判員有權中止比賽;當判決或指定球出現爭議時,比賽也可暫停。裁判員會依照規則的規範來宣告犯規及其他特殊情形,以及依照規則的規範來回答問題,例如犯規次數。 如果規則沒有要求裁判員對該情形進行宣告時,裁判員不得對規則的應用或其他比賽的重點提出建議。他可以協助選手取得及置回架桿器。如果基於擊球的需要,裁判員或其代理人可以適當的將燈具移位。
8. Instructions for Referees
The referee will determine all matters of fact relating to the rules, maintain fair playing conditions, call fouls, and take other action as required by these rules. The referee will suspend play when conditions do not permit fair play. Play will also be suspended when a call or ruling is being disputed. The referee will announce fouls and other specific situations as required by the rules. He will answer questions as required by the rules on matters such as foul count. He must not give advice on the application of the rules, or other points of play on which he is not required by the rules to speak. He may assist the player by getting and replacing the mechanical bridge. If necessary for the shot, the referee or a deputy may hold the light fixture out of the way.
When a game has a three-foul rule, the referee should note to the players any second foul at the time that it occurs and also when the player who is on two fouls returns to the table. The first warning is not required by the rules but is meant to prevent later misunderstandings. If there is a scoreboard on which the foul count is visible to the players, it satisfies the warning requirement.

9. Referee’s Responsiveness
The referee shall answer players’ inquiries regarding objective data, such as whether a ball will be in the rack, whether a ball is behind the head string, what the count is, how many points are needed for a victory, if a player or his opponent is on a foul, what rule would apply if a certain shot is made, etc. When asked for a clarification of a rule, the referee will explain the applicable rule to the best of his ability, but any misstatement by the referee will not protect a player from enforcement of the actual rules. The referee must not offer or provide any subjective opinion that would affect play, such as whether a good hit can be made on a prospective shot, whether a combination can be made, or how the table seems to be playing, etc.

10. 8號球項目補充說明
10. 8-Ball Addendum
If the groups have been determined and the player mistakenly shoots at and pockets a ball of the opponent’s group, the foul must be called before he takes his next shot. Upon recognition by either player or the referee that the groups have been reversed, the rack will be halted and will be replayed with the original player executing the break shot.

11. 復原位置
11. Restoring a Position
In any case a position of balls needs to be amended it is solely the referee’s duty and responsibility to perform this task. He may form his opinion by any means he considers appropriate at the time. He may consult one or both players on that, however, the particular player’s opinion is not binding and his judgment can be amended. Each involved player has the right to dispute the referee’s judgment just once, but after that it is the referee’s discretion to restore the ball or balls.

12. Acceptance of Equipment
After the tournament or a particular match has been started, the player has no right to question the quality or legality of any equipment provided by the Tournament Organizer unless supported by the referee or the tournament director; any protests must be made beforehand.

13. 清除、轉移球袋內的球
進袋的球必須符合規則8.3 -進球條文內容的規定,才能被認定為進球。雖然清除、移轉球袋內球的任務是裁判員的職責,但因管理疏失所發生的犯規,其最終責任仍須由選手自行承擔。如果裁判員無法在現場執法;例如由「區域」裁判員所管轄的比賽;選手需親自執行此一工作,且選手必須清楚、明確地向對手表達他的意圖。
13. Clearing Pockets
For the ball to be considered pocketed, it must meet all the requirements described in Rule 8.3 Ball Pocketed. Although the task of clearing pockets of balls lies within the referee’s description of duties, the ultimate responsibility for any occurrence of fouls as a result of such misadministration always rests with the shooter. If the referee is absent, for example in the case of an area referee, the shooter may perform this duty himself, providing he makes his intention clear and obvious to the opponent.

14. 暫停
14. Time Out
Unless specified otherwise by the tournament organizer, each player is allowed to take one time out of five minutes during matches played over 9 (for eight ball) and 13 (for nine ball and ten ball) games. If matches are shorter there is no time out. To exercise his right to a time out the player must: (1) inform the referee of his intention and, (2) make sure the referee is aware of the fact and marks it on the score sheet and, (3) make sure the referee marks the table for suspended play. (The standard procedure will be to place a cue stick on the table.) The opponent must remain seated as during normal play; should he involve himself in an action other than standard match-playing activities it will be considered exercising his time out and no further time out will be allowed.
The time out at eight ball and nine ball is taken between racks and play is suspended.
At 14.1, the time out begins between racks; and the player at the table may continue his inning should the opponent decide to take his time out. If the non-shooter takes a time out, he must make sure there is a referee to supervise the table during his absence; otherwise he has no right to protest against any misplay by the player at the table.
The player taking the time out should remember that his actions must be within the spirit of the game and if he acts otherwise, he is subject to a penalty under the Unsportsmanlike Conduct.
If a player is suffering from a medical condition, the tournament director may choose to adjust the number of time outs.

15. Subsequent Break Shots
For deciding who will break in racks after the first, in games such as nine ball, the tournament management may choose a procedure different from the standard one listed in the Rules. For example, the winner may break or the players may alternate “serves” of three consecutive breaks.

16. Rack at Nine Ball
As stated in Rule 2.2, balls other than the one and nine are placed randomly in the rack and should not be set in any particular order during any rack. If the referee is not racking, and a player believes that his opponent is intentionally placing balls within the rack, he may bring this to the attention of a tournament official. If the tournament official determines that the player is intentionally positioning balls in the rack, the player will be given an official warning to refrain from doing so. Once warned, should the player continue with intentional positioning of balls in the rack, he shall be penalized for unsportsmanlike conduct.

17. Open Break Requirements
The tournament management may set additional requirements on the break shot on games that require an “open” break such as nine ball or ten ball. For example, it may be required to place the cue ball for the break shot within one or several restricted areas behind the head string (“break box”).

18.三顆球衝球規則The Three Point Break Rule
(1) On the break shot, a minimum of three object balls must either be pocketed, or touch the head string line, or a combination of both. For example, if one object ball is pocketed, then at least two object balls must touch the head string line; or if two object balls are pocketed, then at least one object ball must touch the head string line. To touch the head string line means that the edge of the object ball must reach (break) the string line.
(2) 如果球員合法開球(沒有犯規)但未能達成第1項的要求,對手有權選擇接受以球台現狀接手擊球,或者是將擊球權歸還給開球者。

(2) If a player fails to meet the requirements in (1), but otherwise makes a legal break, the
incoming player has the choice to accept the tables as is, or hand the shot back to his opponent.

(3) 如果對手選擇接受以球台現狀接手擊球,那他就不可以打”Push Out”,必須合法的擊球(打檯面最小號碼的球)。
(3) In accepting the table as is, the incoming player is not permitted to play a 『push-out』, he must play a legal shot to the ball on.

(4) 如果擊球權歸還給開球者,開球者可以打”Push Out”。如果開球者打”Push Out”,對手有權選擇接手擊球,或歸還給開球者繼續出桿。
(4) If the table is handed back to the breaker, the breaker is permitted to play a push-out. If so, his opponent will then have the choice to either play the shot, or hand it back.

(5) 如果球員合法開球(沒有犯規)但未能達成第1項的要求,而且衝進了9號球,則 9號球必須在下個出桿前重新擺回腳點。
(5) If a player fails to meet the requirements of (1), but otherwise makes a legal break and pockets the 9 ball, the 9 ball is reposted before the next shot is played.
三顆球過線規則連同排球紙或是球框,必須應用在所有WPA 9號球賽事。
The three point rule must be present on all WPA ranking 9-ball events, together with tapping or ball rack.


19. Deflecting Cue Ball on Opening Break
It may be that the player miscues on a break shot and tries to prevent the cue ball from following its normal path by deflecting it with his cue stick or by some other means. This practice and other similar practices are absolutely forbidden under the unsportsmanlike conduct rule, Rule 6.16(b). Players must never intentionally touch any ball in play except with a forward stroke of the cue tip on the cue ball. The penalty for such a foul will be determined by the referee according to the unsportsmanlike conduct guidelines in Rule 6.16.


20. Shot Clock
A shot clock may be requested at any time during a match by a tournament official or either player involved in that match. The tournament director or other appointed official decides whether to use a shot clock or not. Should a shot clock be introduced, both players will be “on the clock” and there will be an official timekeeper for the duration of the match. As a recommendation, players will have 35 seconds per shot with a warning when 10 seconds remain. Each player will be allowed one 25-second extension during each rack. The shot clock will be started when all balls come to rest, including spinning balls. The shot clock will end when the cue tip strikes the cue ball to initiate a stroke or the when player’s time expires from the shot clock. If a player runs out of time, it will be a standard foul. After the opening shot the time cap may be extended but cannot exceed the 60 seconds.

21. Cue ball fouls only
If there is no referee presiding over a match, it may be played using cue ball fouls only. That is, touching or moving any ball other than the cue ball would not be a foul unless it changes the outcome of the shot by either touching another ball or having any ball, including the cue ball, going through the area originally occupied by the moved ball. If this does not happen, then the opposing player must be given the option of either leaving the ball where it lies or replacing the ball as near as possible to its original position to the agreement of both players. If a player shoots without giving his opponent the option to replace, it will be a foul resulting in cue ball in hand for the opponent.

22. Late Start
Players must be at the table and ready to play their assigned match at the appointed match time. If a player is late for his appointed match time, he will have fifteen minutes to report to his assigned table ready to play or he will lose the match. It is recommended to announce after five minutes a first call for the player, after ten minutes a second call and after fourteen minutes a final “one minute” warning. A stricter requirement may be used for repeat offenders.

23. Outside Interference
See Rule 1.9, Outside Interference. The referee should ensure that interference is prevented, for example by a spectator or a player on an adjacent table, and may suspend play as needed. Interference may be physical or verbal.
24. 教練

24. Coaching
It is permitted for a player to receive advice from a coach during a match. This should not be on a continuous shot-by-shot basis that changes the nature of the game. It is up to the referee and tournament management to set additional limits on this. A time out can be used to get coaching help. The coach should not approach the table. If the referee decides that the coach is interfering with or disrupting the match, he may direct the coach to stay away from the match.
25. 意外狀況的裁量權

25. Act of God
It may be that something unforeseen under these rules will occur during a match. In such a case, the referee will decide how to proceed in a fair manner. For example, it may be necessary to move a rack in progress to a different table, in which case a stalemate may be declared if a position cannot be transferred.


26. Remaining in Player’s Chair
The non-shooting player should remain in his designated chair while his opponent is at the table. Should a player need to leave the playing area during matches, he must request and receive permission from the referee. Should a player leave the playing area without the permission of the referee, it will be treated like unsportsmanlike conduct.


27. Split Hits
If the cue ball strikes a legal object ball and a non-legal object ball at approximately the same instant, and it cannot be determined which ball was hit first, it will be assumed that the legal target was struck first.

28. Calling Frozen Balls
The referee should be careful to inspect and announce the status of any object ball that might be frozen to a cushion and the cue ball when it might be frozen to a ball. The seated player may remind the referee that such a call is necessary. The shooter must allow time for such a determination to be asked for and made, and may ask for the call himself.



20141005-WPA 比賽球桌規格(翻譯版)-jack-Lin




1. 9-Ball
The rules of 9-Ball were not changed, but the WPA has introduced a “Professional Rule” for the breaking of the game. For 2016, all WPA 9-Ball Ranking events will adhere to this new rule.
Balls will be racked the same way, but with the 9 ball placed on the foot spot and the 1 ball moved towards the centre of the table. The three ball rule remains (crossing the string line etc).
1.9號球規則大致没有變動,唯WPA引用一條開球的「職業規則」,所有在2016年所舉辦的WPA 9號球排名賽事皆須依照辦理。

2. 10-Ball2. 10-Ball
In future, a successful combination shot on the 10 ball will not win the game. The 10 ball will be re-spotted and the shooter will continue. Therefore the 10 ball will always be the last ball pocketed.



請自行下載,檔案連結 :花式撞球枱規格明細表


10號球規則-翻譯 Jack Lin 20091201

10號球完美的賽制-翻譯 Jack Lin 20091228

9號球衝球分析-翻譯 Jack Lin 20091201







撞球基本要領—第一章 MOFUDAT


電子檔>>>>基本要領 第一章 — MOFUDAT

基本要領—第一章 MOFUDAT

作者: David Alciatore, 大衛博士  2008/09

翻譯: Jack Lin 2009/12/22


聯賽的季節又開始了,也該是我們重新檢視一下重點基本要領的時候。在接下來的幾個月,我將重點介紹有關 ”運桿”、”瞄準”、”母球控制”的重要技巧,以及相關的訊息及練習方式。

“圖一” 我稱之為 “撞球技巧開發金字塔”,或稱為 “進步金字塔”。構成金字塔基礎的各層(從A到D),代表著成為一位優秀球員所必須具備及所必須串聯的各種能力,從底層往上代表著能力進步的級數。金字塔圖顯示出由下往上逐步建立及強化各層能力的重要性,一切都須從建立良好的基礎開始。

金字塔圖的靈感來自於馬斯羅的 “需求理論”,是心理學上非常重要的原理。此 ”需求理論”認為人們無法完全發揮潛能,除非他們的生理需求(食物、飲水、空氣、居住等)先被滿足,然後是安全需求(安全、免於恐懼的自由),然後是歸屬需求(朋友、家庭、愛情),最後是尊重的需求(自我認定、聲譽)。如果較低層的需求尚未被滿足,那將很難再進一步滿足上一層的需求(也非完全不可能)。以進步金字塔來說,除非你能循階建立起良好的基礎,並且能嫺熟的應用這些能力,否則將無法達到兢爭能力的最高等級。










              圖一 進步能力金字塔



我必須強調由下往上建構及強化 “金字塔”的重要性。你應該要投入足夠的時間在練習基礎的要素上(基本功),尤其當你是位新手或者只有中階的能力時。這樣做需要毅力與紀律,但也會有回報­­ --- 更好的進步,而且進步速度更快, “進球能力”也會大大提升,更加可靠;如果基礎功不扎實,要更上層樓就非常費勁。




“圖二” 我稱之為 “技術三角堆”,列舉了相對於圖一 “進步金字塔”中的各層所需的重要元素及技術。如同金字塔一樣,三角堆有五層,每層有其特定的項目。 “圖一”與 “圖二”都是出自於我的著作--“撞球原理圖解”。圖二說明了我的著作是如何架構與安排的,依序將金字塔的每層拆解出所需的主題項目。





                      圖二 技術三角堆



要想打好撞球,“運桿出桿擊球”(以下簡稱運桿)是目前為止最重要的基礎。你的運桿必須非常可靠、精確、穩定,才有可能打好球。所以圖二的技術三角堆中,運桿的位置就剛好落在基層的邊角,成為基石。在撞球雜誌2008五月的文章中,我與Mason King聯合發表了主題為 “特別指導---運桿修正”的專欄,比先前另一個專欄 ---“最佳練習” 有更詳細的補充。運桿修正的專欄文章,以及其中的基礎要素匯總查檢表(包括球桿、皮頭、握桿、架桿、站姿以及運桿),都可以在我的網站中的“Instructor and Student Resources”裡找到。能夠找到一位合格有經驗的教練來幫你分析診斷基礎功中的錯誤及進行修正當然是最好;但是查檢表至少可以讓你專注在某事上,尤其當你身邊有個大反射鏡或者是手邊有台攝影機時。

如何運桿存在著二件經常引起爭議的事,第一件:是否該使手肘一直保持純鐘擺運動(擊球後手肘仍然保持同一高度不下垂)?;第二件:是否該在運桿的最後一次球桿回退時,也就是往前送出球桿擊球之前的那一剎那,先“凍結”後再往前出桿?其實我並不想在此深入討論這些問題,因為那會佔據太多篇幅。大部分的指導教練會建議使用“手肘不下垂”的鐘擺運桿方式,以及出桿前先暫停(凍結)一下的打法(即使那一下只是非常短暫的零點幾秒或一秒)。如果你有興趣知道更多這方面的討論,請參考我網站裡“運桿”段落中的“常見問與答”。 Allison Fisher(著名女子9球職業選手,世界冠軍常客)曾告訴我說,在她所有曾經做過的改變中,最有顯著改善進步效果的一項,就是在最後出桿擊球之前加上一個明顯的暫停動作。看起來似乎對她很有效。



“圖三” 是我稱之為 “MOFUDAT” 的練習 (MOFUDAT為英文的縮寫,原意為 “在任何時候,都是最著名及最有效的練習”)。這是一個很受教練及出書者所喜愛及採用的練習。以下為本練習的說明:

  1. 使用中等速度、中高桿的打法將條紋球往底顆星垂直打去,再依照原線路彈回來。在打之前先把條紋球的紋路順著路線平行擺好。
  2. 觀察球滾動時條紋是否有偏擺?如果有代表沒有擊中球的中心,而是稍微偏向某一側。
  3. 維持出桿後隨桿的姿勢不動,觀察條紋球彈回時會多接近球桿的皮頭?越接近代表良好的瞄準、平穩的運桿動作及精確的出桿。(完美的結果為彈回時,球中心擊正皮頭的中心然後完全停住)
  4. 連續打10次,紀錄有多少次的結果是很好的(球的條紋甚少或沒有偏擺,而彈回時非常接近皮頭)。
  5. 分別再以中桿(擊打條紋球的正中心)及低桿(擊打條紋球中心偏下)來重複步驟1~4。
  6. 哪一種桿法可以得到最穩定及最精準的結果?


“MOFUDAT” 練習對你的瞄準、運桿、擊球精準以及穩定性來說,是個絕佳的測試。我之前曾試著在顆星邊上加放二顆球(如圖三,兩球的間距須大於一顆球的直徑),有利於提供瞄準的目標點,以及增加困難度(把兩球間的距離縮小到接近一顆球)。如果球沒有垂直彈回來碰到你的桿頭,那就代表還有改善的空間。我網站裡的“Instructor and Student Resources---教練及學員資源”項中有一頁的 “MOFUDAT”練習彙總表,以及其他的許多練習方法,可以供你參考。切記---練習造就完美!




圖三 “MOFUDAT” 練習法


上述步驟6的結果意味著你的穩定性及準確性可能會因為出桿擊球點的不同(條紋球中心軸的不同高度,也就是中高低桿法)而有所差異。線上示範影帶編號 HSV B.10顯示了使用高低桿的結果,以及解釋了為何在此練習中使用高桿桿法較容易成功的一些可能原因。以下是這些可能原因的說明匯整:

‧    在球桿下緣與球桌顆星上緣間的距離若保持相同的條件下,使用高桿可以使球桿較趨近水平(球桿翹升較少),水平的出桿可以使在無意間擊中非中心軸時(造成下塞旋轉),減少旋轉的偏移量。

‧    使用低桿時若在無意間造成的下塞旋轉(擊中球的非中心軸),因為後旋摩擦抵銷後的因素,在球碰撞顆星彈出時,反而會增大左右側旋轉的效果。低桿的“後旋摩擦抵銷”比起 “高桿向前滾動”會降低更多的球速,但是卻不會降低側旋。以低桿來說,擁有相同的旋轉量但是球速較低,所以在顆星反彈時角度也會加大。

‧    對某些人來說,把桿頭對準球中心線的上半部,尤其是當皮頭快貼近球時,以桿頭上部對母球上部,視覺上似乎比較容易瞄穩(當然,這種說法也許不一定每個人都同意)。


在 HSV B.10的示範影片中,有一點是很明顯的:使用低桿時,非常難以使球的條紋維持在同一方向滾動。有些人認為這是因為球的滾動路線很容易因為打滑(而非滾動)而受到影響,但其實不是的。真正的原因是因為低桿後旋摩擦抵銷後,在往前滾動發生之前,會造成一小段的滑動。而球在行進過程中,當它處於既沒有後旋,也沒有前旋時(也就是滑動,而不是滾動),即使是一丁點小小的側旋,也會改變條紋的方向。打高桿時這種現象不會發生,因為球是持續向前滾動,使得側旋根本沒有足夠的時間來影響條紋的滾動方向。是的,在打高桿下塞時,條紋會因為下塞側旋而偏擺;但它並不會像下低桿一樣,即使只有一丁點的側旋,也會整個翻轉過來。各位可以在超高速慢動作影片中詳細的看到它的變化。


好的,我希望各位能親自試試 MOFUDAT 練習,並且使用我網站上的一些參考表格來改善你的基礎技術能力,建立起堅實的金字塔基礎。下個月我們將會探討一些基本的瞄準方法與練習,如果你偶而會感到無法完美的瞄準,希望這些會對你有所幫助。




大衛 博士



‧    如果你想參考過去我所發表過的專欄或尋求某些資源,可以到我的網站 www.billiards.colostate.edu  搜尋。

‧    我知道許多作者及我本人會用上許多撞球術語(例如 squirt、throw、stun、impact line等等),而且並不是每位讀者都很熟悉這些用語,如果有碰上那些你不完全明白的用語,可以線上參考我網站裡的“Instructor and Student Resources---教練及學員資源”。


大衛先生於科羅拉多州立大學取得機械工程學博士,他也是 “The Illustrated Principles of Pool and Billiards ---撞球原理圖解”一書的作者,同時還製作了CD-ROM、DVD,以及 “神奇的超高速攝影” DVD。


備註:參考示範影片(NV),高速影片(HSV),技術證明演算,以及其他大衛博士過去所發表的文章可以上網在 ww.billiards.colostate.edu 線上觀看。本文章所使用的參考編號可以方便你在網上查找對應的主題。如果你的網速過慢或不方便上網線上觀看,另外有CD-ROM 及 DVD的版本。詳情請參閱網站。